Look at you
Gettin more than just re-up
Baby, you
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin like a good one, butaI call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are, baby
Womanizer, Woman, Womanizer
You're a Womanizer, oh Womanizer oh
You're a Womanizer, baby
You you you are, You you you are
Womanizer, Womanizer, Womanizer
.... Britney spears - Womanizer
haaha, yeaaah, lebih tepatnya Manizer mungkin. hampir setiap gua jalan sama dia, pasti orang-orang di sekeliling gua menyimak tingkah lakunya yg di buat-buat, mungkin krn ni orang emang tinggi, dan gua berada di bawah bahunya, hahahah.
gua heran deh Ra, kenapa setiap orang pasti nanya gua, "Siapa gel?" atau gua bisa melihat tatapan mereka lah yaa, hehe. Itu emang wajar, tp gak akan wajar klo yg menatap lo itu cowo-cowo maskulin nan menarik hati mata orang-orang gay. Jangan-jangan lo salah satu di antara mereka. oh shit man, i cannt kill you. you are my partner in bed,hahah.
I love you more than my GF, but please, don't tell her.
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- let's high all day : Rizki Dimas Abdillah at 7:53 PM on Thursday, December 25, 2008
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- Only : 1 comments on Yeaah, I lost my words to tell about you, Mr. Anggara
gue ga homo nyet !!!!! tahik banteng lo.. gini jadi pandangan lo tentang gue??? ok